Feb 19Liked by Ana Torradinhas

Oooh this is so exciting! I wish I could be at your potholder workshop! It sounds to me like you've definitely got a plan that will be appreciated by your attendees. Having something tangible for people to take away with them as an example of what they learned within the workshop is a great idea. Particularly something functional. All the best with the classes Ana!! :)

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Thank you so much, Jodie! And it would be wonderful to meet in real life. ❤

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Feb 18Liked by Ana Torradinhas

A few qualities of knitting workshops that have been successful (for me as an attendee):

- six to eight students

- handouts to follow along (bonus points if there are photos)

- several physical examples of the finished project or swatches of the technique to hold and examine

Ana, I also really love your reasons for selecting these specific projects for your class(es) and resonate with your thoughts surrounding beauty in the everyday.

I wish your mosaic crochet class was in a LYS near me!!

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Thak you so much por pitching in, Sally! 😊

I've done my first ws ever with 6 people, and the ones I have scheduled have a max. 8 cause I thought it was doable. I'm not sure if it's too many, though at least this next one, with the coasters, won't fill up for sure.

I alreay have the booklet ready to print, and will hand them to people in class, and then send them the digital file too, besides having a Whatsapp group to help out after the session. Oh! And the booklets include extra models besides the one we'll be doing in class. 😁

I do have a box ready with some different projects to show too! Nothing like seeing in person what is possible.

PS: Being able to visit LYS in other countries would be wonderful, I tell ya. Not probable though, but I'd love to do online classes in the future. Not the best time now, but maybe when I (finally) settle in my own space.

Thank you so much again, Sally. Very, very helpful to be able to exchange ideas and think outloud. ❤❤❤

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