Feb 21Liked by Ana Torradinhas

Thank you for mentioning me. I do think that small is best, when trying out a new technique. It's so hard to turn people from free consumers of patterns, into paying guests. I tend to think they're two separate groups and it's not necessarily related to means, but more attitude.

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Very interesting what you say on attitude rather than means. Hadn't consider that. Thank you for commentimg, Lily. :)

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Feb 21Liked by Ana Torradinhas

The most generous woman I know doesn't have a lot in terms of cash but she's always giving. I'm related to someone who is wealthy but haggles in charityshops.

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That seems to be... a pattern. Of attitude. Those with the least are the most willing to share what they have...

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Yes. She and I became estranged and I feel regret when I see French vide greniers advertised on FB. We had such fun times. She made me cry laughing. A true eccentric. We bought very different items. I still have the Spanish guitar, the Persian warrior and the Japanese dress.

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It's sad when relationships end... :(

(I had to google "vide greniers", cause I had no idea. Now I know. :))

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Yes! They're called car boot sales in England but the French is literally.empty lofts

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É uma boa reflexão, Ana. Acho que é possível haver espaço para as duas coisas. Oferecer algum material gratuito não invalida investir tempo e recursos em coisas mais elaboradas e cobrar por esse tempo e know-how. Também não sei qual a melhor forma. Sobre que tipo de projectos de iniciação, ui... alguma peça pequena :) Vou explorar o Cielo Tejido!

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Sim. Acho que, mesmo assim, o que me causa mais desconforto é a ideia de colocar preços demasiado baixos. Acho que faz mais sentido, a colocar um preço, que seja justo, ou dar a opção de a pessoa pagar o que quiser (o que pode ser uma experiência interessante). Ou então oferecer. Há lugar para as duas coisas, acho... (Obrigada por comentares e sim, explora mesmo! É lindo. <3)

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Thank you Ana, this is such a difficult subject and I don't think there is a right or wrong. Everyone should be allowed to do what feels right for them without being ridiculed by others. Thank you also for making me aware of Cielo Tejido, I have just spent ages looking at their Instagram. Such amazing and beautiful work. xx

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Thank you so much for commenting, Heike. It can definitely be an uncomfortable topic, and I agree with you. Each person has different views and comes at it from different perspectives, who's to say one is more right or more wrong than another?

(And the Cielo Tejido is amazing, isn't it? I just had to share it. Here in Portugal, where the sun can get really hot, and make it hard to walk around cities in the Summer, I would love to see this. There have been some crochet instalations on the street here in Portugal, but nothing like these... Just wow. <3)

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